
Courseware of Hanno Problem


When researching the Hanno Problem in the course of “C programming” in the college, I designed the flash courseware to show the principle of recursion method to solve this problem
under my tutor’s instruction.

Main Functions

The animation creation of the story which describe the history of Hanno problem.

Play the game automatically.

Play the game manually. Students are able to experience the Hanno problem by running the program themselves.

Teaching function. The multimedia courseware relates the way in which to comprehend the problem, design the program and produce the programming result.

Technical Difficulties

The Flash Action programming. The Flash provides a powerful solution for the animation involved in this program. It also makes the program easier to publish on the Internet. Furthermore, the product mainly faces the children market. Better and lovelier interfaces can draw their attention.

Create questions randomly. The question is generated from the database with one correct answer and some confusing false answers.

The multiple mouse events activate various behavior.

Multiple functionality such as replaying the sounds, providing hint and judging the answer: Give a red apple for the correct answers, or the green one for the wrong answers.

April, 2005

Courseware of Hanno Problem

Courseware of Hanno Problem

Courseware of Hanno Problem

Courseware of Hanno Problem

Courseware of Hanno Problem

Courseware of Hanno Problem


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